Saturday, December 03, 2005

New Blog

When I first started blogging, I wanted to write about things that I care deeply about, things that affects people in general. What I had in mind was a blog that leans towards academics. But as I went on blogging, I found myself writing and sharing about my own life, my own experiences. And it was then that I realised that I no longer wanted an academic blog. In fact, I'm shaping my blog to be a personal blog, a blog where I get to voice out my thoughts and opinions, with the hope that someday, somebody will take notice of what I'd blogged. But most importantly, I had hoped that people who visited my blog will get to learn from my experience, that my experiences in life will somehow make an impact in their own lifes, be it big or small.
However, what I did not expect when I blogged here, was to be threatened just because certain people do not like the way or things that I blogged about. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
Anyway, I have been playing with the idea of blogging elsewhere for quite a while now. And the opportunity came through Mei. I'll still continue blogging here about general issues or general things that are going on in my life. But all things more personal will be found in my new blog. Anybody interested to visit my new blog can either message me in Friendster (if we're connected) or MSN me or email me for the new addie.


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