Thursday, October 27, 2005

Two-faced Bastard

There's still quite an amount of alcohol running its course through my body as I'm writing this. Went for happy hour earlier in the evening and sort of got myself plastered for the night. People who know me well knows that I'm not usually like this but this time was an exception. Anyway, that's not the main point here. Main point here is I can't believe what a bastard he is and what a two-faced one at that.

I seriously did not know Jo would call him and told him off for telling me everything. When she found out in the morning and messaged me asking if I wanted her to call him and tell him off, I messaged back and told her to wait for me to go to the college and tell her the whole story first. But still, I was a little touched for her standing up against him for my sake. And I can't believe half the things he told her. It just shows what a bastard he is for twisting his words around. Come to think of it, that's how he manage to cheat behind my back in the first place.

He told her a different version of what he told me last night. To cut a long story short, he indirectly pin-pointed that I'm the cause of the end of our relationship. Last night, he said if I've never pushed him away when we were making out, he wouldn't have to seek somewhere else to get his desire fulfilled. Today, he told Jo that what I went through early this year is my fault for not taking the correct precaution when I should. Hallo?? It takes two to happen and accusing me of not taking the right precaution is wrong because I did and he didn't even bother! All he knows is to shove it in, ejaculate, pull it out and roll over to sleep. He can't even be bothered to put on a condom most of the time. And he accused me of not taking the right precaution?? I saw red when I heard that that's what he said to Jo.

Jo was pretty pissed off with him for telling me everything at the wrong time - I'm having exams and have to finish up my assignments in a matter of two weeks. And all he said was, "I thought her exams are all in Nov?" O-M-G! Like he doesn't know it's the end of October now and it's gonna be Nov in a matter of days. How dumb could he be??

The thing that I'm so totally pissed off with is his ability to turn things around and made it all sound like he's a martyr while I'm the conniving bitch in the whole situation. At the end of the day, it is never his fault that the relationship ended. He somehow managed to turn the whole thing around and said that I caused our relationship to deteriorate. Fuck, he even justified the whole him cheating behind my back and said that I'm the one who caused him to go fuck another girl! He said going back to Alor Star and work is all because of me, for our future. But he went back and started having even more affairs. So it was because of me that he went back to Alor Star and fuck around with other girls also la??? Bastard, bastard, bastard! Two-faced bastard!! He's the biggest bastard that I've ever met. He's the bastard of all bastards!

I should start listening to what people around me are telling me. Stop answering his calls. Stop thinking about his existence. Continue on with my life and live happily to prove to him that I can exist and function well even without him. Everybody said I should change my number and frankly I would love to, but it's unfortunate that I've put my current number for all official use especially in the visa application and with Student Village in the uni.

My head is throbbing as it is. It's high time I continue my sleep and forget about the bastard.


Blogger Mabel said...

Take it from me. Don't even get angry at him. Don't even pity him. You know what? Coz he's not even worth getting angry at. HE IS SO LOW that it's better not to have even negative feelings about him.

I remember what someone told me before. "When people have bad feelings about a product, it's a good sign. When people have good feelings about a product, it's even better. When they have no feelings, you worry."

Treat him the same way. What for spent all your energy getting angry, upset, hurt, bitter over a no-dick, no-ball BOY?

Hm...maybe it's my turn to satah la. Btw, start using that word verification thingie. It looks like spam is coming your way.

9:28 PM  
Blogger gracieq said...

I think so too....but how to do it? You know me...bad at this sort of html thingy.

Trying, trying, trying to get on with life. It'll take time but slowly...I'm moving towards a better life now.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Mabel said...

Go to'll see a comment thingie where you choose anonymous or not. The word verification thingie should be there.

3:08 PM  

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