Sunday, July 31, 2005

Difficult Housemates

If you do not know how to read English or if you do not understand English, then fine, I can accept the fact that you do not understand the signs I'd put up around the house. But if you DO understand English and you DO know how to read English, I rather you cooperate with me to keep the house clean and make it bearable for 5 people that's living under the same roof.

Sometimes, I really do not understand my housemates at all. What is so difficult to understand about keeping the toilet clean and dry and use the bathroom to bathe? Why can't they understand that sometimes, people tend to throw their dirty laundry into pails in the bathroom and it's essential to keep the area clean so that the clothes do not have black spots because of the dampness in the area? Why can't they just use their heads for once and try to understand?

They do not have the whole house to themselves. They are sharing the house with 4 other people. The most important thing is to compromise, not being selfish and leaving a wave of destruction behind them each time they use the toilet, bathroom or kitchen. Oh...and the house fridge. I've only been away for a month plus but they've managed to left milk powder (or was it glucose?) in the fridge and as nobody wants to clean it up, it's begun to rot and contaminate the whole fridge to unbearable smell. Each time I open the fridge, I have to close my nose, literally, and take whatever I want out from the fridge. I have resorted to keeping my food stuff in tupperwares before leaving them to chill for fear of contamination to my food. And I refuse to clean it. I'm going to tell them to clean it when the chance arises. I am not going to clean after something I did not do and let them take the responsiblity for once. I'm so sick of cleaning after them. I should not have clean after them at the beginning because once they get use to the idea of having somebody to clean after them, they become instant invalids that refuse to throw the rubbish, sweep and mop the house, or even, clean the kitchen sink once in a while. Aargh!!!

I miss my ex-housemates so much.....we used to work together to keep the house clean for everybody's comfort. But not these bunch of unruly, young girls whom I bet had never ever in their lifes done any housework before. Somebody please kill me before I sink into the darkness of insanity.


Blogger alex said...

I know you're not using this blog any more, but as I don't have you're current address I'll just leave the comment here.

I found this particular post thanks to googleling my worries, this time my housemates were the reasons for my anger. I was gone for four days, came back a few hours ago and the kitchen turned into a dumpster. dirty dishes, the floor all sticky, left over food everywhere. then, I walk into the garden to find that they forgot to put the bin out on bin day, so now we have waste lying around our garden because they didn't even manage to put the stuff somewhere else. I hate it.
but knowing that other people have to manage with the same problems makes me feel a little bit better. if you could just know these kind of things before moving in with the people.

5:02 AM  

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