Friday, June 17, 2005

Happy Tree Friends

Ever watch any episodes of Happy Tree Friends? No? You guys should try to watch it, at least one episode to see if you like it. Be forewarned though, it is absolutely, extremely VIOLENT. Yup. And you'll never expect it from an animated show.

Good old Serhan was the one who first introduced me to Happy Tree Friends on the world wide web one night when I was suffering from insomnia and had nothing to do. I think he did it partially to stop me from bothering him any further but now, I can see that he just plain wants to spread the joy of evil-ness around. No..serious, I'm not joking. Alright, alright, I'm exaggerating. But that fateful night when he introduced Happy Tree Friends to me, my beloved computer back in Penang lagged a lot and thus, my introduction to the world of Happy Tree Friends had to be postponed until recently.

Holidays had started. I had nothing to do since the library in college doesn't need me to come in to fulfill my scholarship assistantship (more about that in another entry). So, there I was, surfing the net while happily chatting away when I decided to visit Happy Tree Friends for the very first time. And what do I find there? Cute, cuddly animated characters that die horribly in every possible way in each episode. The end of each episode kinds of reminds me of the way Kenny dies each time in South Park but in Happy Tree Friends, you actually get good graphics. By that, I mean, really good graphics. You get to see the guts of the characters spilling out, brains, blood, everything gory that you can think of in a body. And that's pretty unexpected for a first timer cause like I said, the characters are all so cute and cuddly that you can never envision them meeting a gory end. So when it happens, it sure does smack you right in the face with a big "Splat!"

That very first time I watched Happy Tree Friends was without audio cause...erm...cause I couldn't find the plug in the CPU for my earphones? Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want but seriously, I looked really hard and really couldn't find anything that remotely resembles the plug for my earphones. Hence, I had to endure watching Happy Tree Friends without sound and I could only endure it for 5 short episodes. The gruesome end that each character meets at the end of each episode is a tad too much for me to take. And today, good old smart me decided to watch more of it WITH audio this time round. And after 2-3 episodes, that's about all that I can take. Sure, the music is chirpy like any cute, cuddly animation should be but the gruesome end that the characters meet? Makes it all very ironic and more than I could stomach. Maybe I should stick to watching it without audio.

Well, boys and girls, if you have a weak stomach, do not, I repeat, DO NOT watch Happy Tree Friends. But if there's the chance that you do, be prepared. Do not say that I have not warned you guys at all. Happy watching!


Blogger Carven a.k.a. Dim Sum Q said...

Woo ... Happy Tree Friend, i have watched it before on the TV, then now i started watching it with my phone .... haha yea they are so damn cute, cuddly as you said but gruesome n yet u won't expect they have such ending.. but syiok watching it ... muahahaha

10:26 PM  
Blogger gracieq said...

It was on TV before? I didn't know that. But I don't think they show it in Malaysian TV do they? Yeah, got to agree that it's cute and all but I can't help but cringe at each ending...;P

2:03 AM  
Blogger Carven a.k.a. Dim Sum Q said...

It was on aussie tv .. hehe, don't ever think it will air in malaysia tv. When they are showing that, they also show some other violent animation, all of them are like those basic everyday life, nothing special and then a very gruesome n violent ending.

11:52 PM  

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