Monday, August 09, 2004

A Relatively Normal Day

Things are pretty normal today, just like any other normal days that I had. The only UN-normal event that happen today was the "big" thing we had to do:-tell CW that we had changed to the other tut group for POM.

It all happened after Christine's class. We went outside talking when I spotted Aaron(I thought he was a Malay the first time I saw him, he looks kinda cute though) and asked him if he could help photostapt a chapter on the topic we're researching for MRM from the Media Studies book I borrowed from the library. The photostapt shop on the 3rd floor near our class is not open. I think the aunty there opens according to her mood. Good mood then she'll open, bad mood then she'll not open. Hmph! Anyway, I asked Aaron in my sweetest voice ever(I hope it is) and he agreed to help me do so since I was carrying my file and my Unit Reader and needed to go grocery shopping a little later after that.

I saw CW coming out of the class but since I was talking to Aaron, I didn't call out to her. My friend did instead. When I finally finish talking to Aaron and went back to the table where all of us are sitting around, I joined in the conversation my friend was having with CW and added words in order to justify our action. We said sorry to her and remarkably, she was able to accept it very well without much hassle. We're not sure if she's really mad or she's really ok about it but hopefully she's all right. After all, we're still gonna treat her like normal.

Other than that, everything went on pretty normal for me. I was out and about the college for another 1-2 hrs before I left to catch the bus to go to 1Utama to do my grocery shopping. Unfortunately for me, when I came out from the college, I saw the bus waiting at the end of the road and I ran towards it. But it didn't wait for me and left 5 seconds before I reach the end. >< No choice but to take the cab there. I saw my housemate descending from the bus when my cab passes by and called her to go grocery shopping together. Fortunately for us, her friend joined us after 1/2 hour or so and fetch us back with all those heavy plastic bags on both our hands. Muahaha........

And finally, I got to cook my own proper dinner after coming back to KL for nearly a month. I left my ingredients to cook in my slow cooker before I came down to online in the lab. Yum!


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