Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Long Meeting

I am so, so tired right now. Mass Comm Degree Club meeting just ended and I'd never felt so tired after meeting for so long now. We discussed so many things in the meeting that ended a while just now:- Orientation Day, Angel-Mortal game, Money making projects. I think we spend most of the time during the meeting discussing about the Orientation Day and the Angel-Mortal game. Come to think of it, the longest time we spend discussing our agenda would probably the Movie Screening thing which is one of a the projects that we're gonna do to earn money for the club.

I'm heading it and frankly, thinking of it and all the organising and moderating that I have to do freaks me out a little. Yes, I've been in committees before and I have arranged big scale things before but I have not done any for a long, long time now. I'm out of touch. And it's freaking me out. Maybe I should change my career choice from event management to something else. How the hell am I gonna do PR with such terrible skills? And the worst part was that the event is a last minute thing. We only thought of the idea last week and by next week, we have to put up posters and sell tickets and I probably have to stay back every single day from 16th-20th because we can only screen the movies after classes. The downside of it is the missing sales that we could have make from the diploma students because they are still having their holidays during our screening. I wonder if I could get Andrew to convince his friends to come to just to watch one movie or something like that during their holidays. On second thought, I doubt it will work even if he can make it himself. And we have to worry bout the movies that we're gonna show. Whether it's gonna attract people's attention enough to go and watch it. I think some movies will have good responses but some may not do so well. That's because movies we find interesting may not be as interesting to others.

Argh...I'm tired and sleepy right now. But I'm still in the college using the computer in the lab because I missed the 4.20pm bus and have to wait for the 5.10pm bus. I just sure hope that everything will turn out all right for the movie screening thing. And I'm gonna volunteer to help Po-Chien out with the Royal Parchment project (another money-making project slotted for September and October) because she's helping me out with the posters for the Movie Screening project. Not to forget Ken who volunteered to help with the tickets designing. At least I can take time off from these 2 important things and concentrate more on other aspects of the project. Hmm...come to think of it, I think I'll have to take a look at their work before they submit it in to our lecturer who is also our advisor on the Club.

*sleepy, yawns* Ready to knock off now. I'm wishing that 5pm will come soon because the seconds sure are ticking very slowly. Not to forget, my headache is getting worse by the minute. ><


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