Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Death of the South Korean hostage in Iraq..or is it?

I was surfing the Internet at the wee hours early this morning while chatting with some friends who have scattered to every part of the world, namely Australia, Singapore and the States when one of them promptly message me to tell me the bad news that had circulated within the hour in the Internet.

The South Korean hostage who was abducted in Iraq was beheaded! I've read the news and reports from the Internet and my best friend, Jonathan and I even went a step further to discuss about the whole issue and how it effects the world and what not. We were basically discussing how much we dislike certain countries who incidentally have started the war and the atrocities of the terrorists. This whole incident is pretty much scary to think about. And I sympathise a lot on the families of the victims of war. Not only the casualties of shoot outs and bombing but also victims of war that comprises of these hostages.

I did not really follow much of these news until lately because I'd been busy with assignments and deadlines. I even suffer from lack of sleep because of the deadlines but it is all worthwhile because I think I did pretty well in my units for the semester. Anyway, back to my original ranting. I only started to take notice of the politics and hostages abducting stories after I handed in my last assignment. Imagine my horror at all the unimaginable violence that are happening in Iraq. First the torture of the POWs by the American soldiers and now this. What has the world turn into? Everywhere I see, there's only violence. Including Malaysia.

Before I stray away from the main topic again, I woke up to the news in the newspaper stating that the South Korean hostage is still very much alive that they are still negotiating talks with his captors. According to the news that I read, his captors decided to prolong his life a little longer by having talks with a representative from the Korean company in Iraq. Now, the confusing thing is, which piece of news is true? The one that he's really dead? Or the one that he's still very much alive and there are still negotiations going on? This is a rather mind-boggling piece of news.

[Edit] I told my Mum about this piece of news when we were having dinner just now. Seems that the news that are published in The Sun newspaper is always a day later. So I guess the South Korean guy is really dead. God bless his soul.


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