Wednesday, July 28, 2004

4 Ds

Now, now, 4 Ds does not stand for 4 digits numbers. It doesn't even stand for bad grades. In fact, based on Murdoch University marking procedure, D is a very good grade. Come to think of it, it's the second best grade that a student can ever get in Uni life. You see, D stands for Distinction. Yup, I had 4 Distinctions in last sem. Frankly, I got the shock of my life when I saw the 4 Ds in my result slip.

Halfway through last sem, I was not even sure if I could get a D for any of my units because I felt that whatever assignments that I handed in was not my best. Apparently, I set a much too high expectation for myself because my lecturers seem to think otherwise. I had like 2 High Distinctions in my assignments,  a couple of Ds and a couple of Credits. There were times when I thought my assignments will gather me only Passes but I was wrong. INstead, Ds and Cs came my way. To note, I'd been really happy with the results I got last sem.

At the end of the semester, I was counting the marks that I had gotten and was only confident of getting 2 Ds and 2 Cs. Ds for Media Industries and Intro to Cultural Studies and Cs for Writing for Professional Purposes and Intro to Screen Studies. But getting a C for my screen test gave me a D overall in Screen Studies while my journal exercises and quizes helped me in getting my D for Writing. Now, I'd not done very well in my assignments for Writing. Basically, I did not really understand the questions and I was also having writer's block. >< Even my lecturer was disappointed with the work I handed in because after taking a look at my journal exercises, she had a very high expectation in my assignments. Although she didn't say it, I know she thinks the work I handed in for my assignments are mediocre. I got to admit that it was not the best that I did. I could had done better if I put in a little more effort and time to it. I know I can write well if I want to. If knowing it is not enough, my journal exercises are a big proof to it. If memory serves me right, I had 16/17 out of 20 for my journal exercises and I had a few goods and well dones scribbled over my exercises. *sigh* Anyway, it's already over. But I can't help thinking that if I had done better in my assignments for Writing, I could had gotten a HD.

Well, this semester is gonna be a big challenge for me. Firstly, I have 3 core subjects. Plus, I have to do a LAN subject. LAN does not stand for local area network for those who do not know what I mean. LAN subjects are required subjects that the Government makes us private college students take in order to get our degrees and diplomas. Else, our degrees and diplomas will not be recognized in the country at all. STupid system me thinks but what can I do? After all, they're the superiors in this country not us, youngsters. Bleh!

It's only week 1 of studies but I'm already feeling the pressure. THe pressure to keep up the good grades I obtained last sem and the pressure to maintain them to get the KDU scholarship. My Mum's been giving me warning on not to overstress and overpressure myself because from past experience, I'll set the bar very high and when I get tired and stress over it, I'll give up halfway. I know, it's a very bad habit. But this time round, I do not have the extra time to lose and do whatever trials and errors I did in the past. THis time, it's now or never. If I lose this chance this time, I'll never be given another chance in a hurry to repent my mistakes. I just hope that when I needed time to let out my stress, my friends will be there to support me and comfort me.


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