Monday, July 12, 2004

Plastic Surgery

I was watching a tv programme on 8TV just now and frankly, I was feeling kind of sick watching the pain 2 women had to go through to look and feel better about themselves.

The show is called 'Extreme Makeover' and the makeovers that both women had to endure to reach perfection are really extreme. Literally. Both women are middle aged and with the few imperfections that they had, they still look ok to me. Not bad enough to endure such excruciating pain.

I'm not really sure how they choose people for these makeovers but I think these people either send in entries themselves or their family will send the entries for the producers to choose from. From there, 2 person are choosen for each episode to undergo the makeovers that will last for 6-7 weeks. Both men and women can have these makeovers and the episode I watched, 2 women are chosen. Both went for plastic surgeries, cosmetic dental treatments, Lasik and the usual whole package of makeover that is the norm in magazines and tv programme these days where a specialist would change your hairstyle and make up and clothing and God knows what.

Now, the dental treatments and the rest of the makeover are not really extreme makeovers. They are normal makeovers that people undergo frequently, hence it's not really that scary. That, I can accept because I've had dental treatments before. And having new haircuts and make up is nothing new in the makeover world. But plastic surgery?! One word came to mind - OUCH!

Both women had nose jobs, brow lifts, liposuction under their chins, breast lift and augmentation and one of them even went for a face lift. They showed bits and parts of how the surgeries were conducted and boy, were they disgusting! I was acutely aware that I had a funny look on my face the whole time that was really close to being disgusted. And I wasn't the only one with that look on my face. My Mum had the same look on her face. So, I asked her, if she would ever go for plastic surgery and she gave me a sound "NO!". "I'm ageing gracefully now and I intend to continue doing so". Yup, that's what my Mum said. When the nurses wheel both women out from the OT, they look like mummies!! And they were in excruciating pain! *pain look in the face* I told myself there and then that I wouldn't go through such pain to right my imperfections. Never, ever in a million years. I would rather age gracefully like my Mum and my aunts and never subject myself to go under the knife to look younger or more beautiful. I know it sounds quite idealistic of me to say so but seriously, I rather live with my imperfections than go through those pain.

No doubt, both women came out looking great. They look years younger than their actual age, they have bigger boobs, they have great hair, great makeover but the plastic surgery, *shakes head*, that's too extreme for me. I guess that's why they named the show 'Extreme Makeover'. *shudders*


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