Saturday, September 18, 2004

The End Of A Wonderful Friendship

Sometimes I really do wonder at the works of nature. I’m not talking about mother nature here, but rather the human nature which everyone of us has. How can 2 people be so close to each other several months ago and not talk to each other now? In fact, one person sees the other as an ‘enemy’.

C and I were quite close last semester. When the conflict between JC and me brew out of control because I was accused as a demanding bitch, C was there to support me morally and emotionally. And I truly appreciate her support for without it, there’s a high possibility of me breaking down before the semester ends. We were still close at the beginning of this semester. Frankly, I have no idea what really happen that causes our friendship to deteriorate so badly to the extent of us not really talking to each other anymore. After the confrontation I had with her a couple of weeks ago (which ended up with me getting the entire fault again even if it’s not completely mine), I tried making an effort to talk to her, interact her, as much as possible as if nothing had happened. But I guess one person making the effort alone is not enough. She barely response to me, she prefers to give me one word answers, she doesn’t look at me when she talks, or sometimes, she comes across as rather rude.

I’ve thought of several reasons why we’re not really on talking terms anymore. Maybe it’s because J came into the picture. J was pretty friendly to C first than she was to me and she hangs out with C a lot more than she does with me at the beginning of the semester. But when J finds out from C that my father was also an Air Force pilot and that he died in an air crash like her own dad did, she gradually started hanging out with me, resulting in both of us getting quite close. The fact that our fathers were close friends when both are still alive and the fact that my mum was a good friend to her mum and was there to support her mum when her dad died was another added factor for us to be so close to each other, to support each other. I guess it was partially because of the bond that we are half-orphans and both our mothers are going through the same experiences, because we are the children of dead Air Force pilots, that we’ve gotten so close. Maybe C wasn’t happy about it. Maybe she feels neglected about it. I guess it could be one of the keys that spark off her ‘hatred’ towards me.

Another reason could be because of Aaron. We’re in the same group but Aaron and I talk more often than she does to him because of our Research Proposal for MRM. Somebody suggested that maybe she’s jealous that I’m so compatible with Aaron. *laughs hysterically * I’m not too sure about that, but thinking about it seriously, there might be a high possibility of that happening, though I think the most compatible person with Aaron would not be me, but another friend of mine. =P

There are another few other reasons I’ve thought of but I wouldn’t want to go into details about it. I guess what Mabel said is right. I shouldn’t think too much about it. I should just take an ‘I-couldn’t-care-less’ attitude towards the whole thing because I’m not really at fault here. Oh well!


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